Things to consider before starting university
Written by Nick Grant
11 Sep 2018
4 min read

Students top 10 checklist:
- Make a checklist: To make sure you don’t pack one pair of socks and forget your phone charger, we suggest making a list before you begin to pack. Split it by important documents, electrical items, stationery, clothing, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom to make it more manageable.
- Sign-up with a GP: You may start the term fresh and full of energy, but when you need a prescription refilled or are struck down with fresher’s flu, you’ll be glad you did this in advance.
- Join a club: Play guitar? Always wanted to master hockey? Now is your time! A great way to meet new people and master a skill, a club is essential for any fresher. Just remember to get insurance for your musical instruments or sports equipment so that they’re protected from any eventuality.
- Get students insurance: Students living alone for the first time while armed with new laptops and equipment for their course are a prime target for thieves. You should make sure you take out a student insurance policy to make sure if the worst does happen, you aren’t left out of pocket.
- Learn to cook: Trust us, eating instant noodles and toast will get boring eventually. Take the time to learn a few simple meals and your student budget will stretch much further. Cooking brings us on to our next topic.
- Accidents happen: One too many pints in the SU bar can easily lead to accidental damage - whether that’s a broken chair or a kitchen fire after a culinary experiment. Ensure you’re protected against damage to the fixtures and fittings with a tenant’s insurance policy.
- Moped thieves are still an issue: Phone lefts carried out by thieves on mopeds are still an issue on many campuses. Be careful when walking to and from classes, and take out a mobile phone insurance policy to protect your device.
- Off campus? Make peace with your landlord before the party gets underway. While you’re likely to look after your landlord’s property, if a beer does get spilt on the carpet an insurance policy can help keep you to your tenancy agreement.
- You may already be insured: Students living away from home can occasionally be covered by their parent’s home insurance – so check with them and potentially avoid the bank of mum and dad for replacement items.
- Have fun! While there’s a lot to consider before starting a course, the most important thing is that you enjoy the experience. You’ve got this!