Brokers - FAQs

  • UK-based friendly support team

  • 15 years of experience in the holiday home sector

  • Our customers rate us excellent on TrustPilot

  • In-house overseas loss adjusters

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the questions that we are asked. If you have a question that is not answered below please call or email us and we will be happy to answer it for you.

  • Do you have a maximum sum insured?

    We do not have a maximum sum insured, however anything over £1 million will be referred for approval from underwriting and may require additional information. If unsuccessful we can look to place within the wider Gallagher Group.

  • How do I become an agent?

    Please click “BECOME AN AGENT”. or you can email us or call +44 (0)1892 239 370

  • What is my commission?

    Commission is shown on the “client quote” page before incepting the policy. You can also contact the team at

  • Does this cover unoccupancy?

    Furnished holiday home does not require regular inspection, however endorsements could still apply.

  • Does the policy cover AirBnb?

    Yes, our Holiday home policy covers AirBnb and Vrbo properties.

  • When will we be invoiced?

    The invoice will be sent the month after the policies inception.

  • Do we charge extra for Holiday lets?

    No, our Holiday home policy includes cover when let.

  • Do you just pay commission on new Policies?

    No, we pay commission every year the policy is renewed, subject to you meeting our minimum sales levels . So as you can imagine after a few years you could have a substantial income coming in before you even get out of bed.

If you have a question that is not listed above please contact us.
*FAQs Correct as of 02/04/2022, subject to change.