Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the questions that we are asked. If you have a question that is not answered below please call or email us and we will be happy to answer it for you.
Do you have a maximum sum insured?
We do not have a maximum sum insured, however anything over £1 million will be referred for approval from underwriting and may require additional information. If unsuccessful we can look to place within the wider Gallagher Group.
How do I become an agent?
Please click “BECOME AN AGENT”. or you can email us brokerteam@intasure.com or call +44 (0)1892 239 370
What is my commission?
Commission is shown on the “client quote” page before incepting the policy. You can also contact the team at brokerteam@intasure.com
Does this cover unoccupancy?
Furnished holiday home does not require regular inspection, however endorsements could still apply.
Does the policy cover AirBnb?
Yes, our Holiday home policy covers AirBnb and Vrbo properties.
When will we be invoiced?
The invoice will be sent the month after the policies inception.
Do we charge extra for Holiday lets?
No, our Holiday home policy includes cover when let.
Do you just pay commission on new Policies?
No, we pay commission every year the policy is renewed, subject to you meeting our minimum sales levels . So as you can imagine after a few years you could have a substantial income coming in before you even get out of bed.
If you have a question that is not listed above please contact us.
*FAQs Correct as of 02/04/2022, subject to change.