Policy documents
Landlords insurance, View and download Insurance product information document:
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Landlord insurance
This is a policy to cover physical loss or damage to your building and / or contents. Buildings include interior decorations, landlords fixtures and fittings, outbuildings and garages. Contents include Landlords domestic furniture and furnishings, which belong to you. In addition this this policy covers you for a wide range of perils, including (but not restricted to) fire, flood, storm, theft, escape of water and your legal liability.
What is covered:
Where is cover available?
In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, including the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
Get a Landlord quote by contacting our UK Broker team on +44 (0)1892 239 370 for more information.
*This provides you with a summary of the cover. For precise details of cover, including the conditions and exclusions that apply, the policy document itself should be referred to.